For the first time in the organization’s history, all three schools that comprise Purpose Built Schools Atlanta have been removed from the GA DOE’s list of Georgia schools in need of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI). Slater Elementary School and Price Middle School were removed from the list this year; Carver STEAM exited the list in December 2022 and remains off. Improved academic performance was among the criteria that led to this achievement.

“This is a major milestone in the trajectory of Purpose Built Schools and our mission to turnaround underperforming schools and cultivate students’ skills and agency in pursuit of their unlimited potential,” said Mike Davis, CEO, Purpose Built Schools Atlanta. “We have had significant growth in student achievement this year across all three of our schools.”

All three schools saw an increase in their content mastery scores in SY2022-23 and two schools – Slater Elementary School and Price Middle School – received a score of 100 on CCRPI’s Closing Gaps metric.

Slater increased its content mastery score by 9 points; Price increased its content mastery score by 5.7 points; and Carver increased its content master score by 2.1 points. Carver also increased the overall graduation rate by 3.4 points, raising it to 80.5 percent.

“Our schools have encountered significant challenges, and our school leaders, teachers, and families have worked diligently to reach this point where our scholars are in an environment where they can thrive,” said Dr. Nikkita Warfield, Chief Academic Officer, Purpose Built Schools Atlanta. “Our daily task is to ensure our students, regardless of their background, have access to opportunities and experiences that foster growth and success. I couldn’t be prouder of this achievement, and I look forward to sharpening our focus even more to continue on this path.”

Slater, Price and Carver worked directly with the Georgia Department of Education’s Office of School Improvement, which provided assistance to help them improve the educational outcomes of their students. This collaborative effort reflects our commitment to ensuring every student receives the support they need to succeed.