Thanks to the Urban Recipe Food Co-op at Slater Elementary School, more families have access to nourishing ingredients and food staples to feed their families.

Facilitated by Dr. Tonya Williams-Saunders, School Engagement Manager at Slater Elementary, the co-op serves low-income families and provides a unique alternative to many traditional food-centered programs.

“We have a dynamic group of program participants who span between the ages of 21 through 72!” said Dr. Williams-Saunders. “As a group, we work collaboratively to help one another. The food co-op is truly special in that it helps to decrease food insecurity and increase food availability for numerous families.

The program has grown significantly since its inception in 2021. It originated with 10 members and has now increased to 43 families.

The co-op, which has a maximum of 50 families, meets every two weeks. Members volunteer their time and energy to do the lion’s share of what’s necessary to unload, sort, organize and distribute an average of 3,000 pounds of food equitably and according to family size. Urban Recipe Co-ops create food security as well as providing a place where relationships and community are built and the dignity of everyone involved is affirmed.

The co-op has saved caregivers hundreds of dollars in monthly food costs. Most families receive approximately 40 pounds (or more) of food at each distribution.

“Our families really appreciate and benefit from program participation,” concluded Dr. Saunders-Williams.

The program at Slater Elementary is held bi-monthly on Thursdays beginning at 4 p.m. All co-op members must be present by 4:30PM to participate and receive food. Prior to being accepted into the program, all interested individuals must complete a mandatory orientation that is approximately 30 minutes.


For more information on how to get involved or to learn more about the Urban Recipe Food Co-op at Slater Elementary School, please contact the school:

Phone: 404-802-4050