Purpose Built Schools Atlanta has developed a comprehensive plan to safely reopen school buildings and host students onsite for in-person learning. We have spent the first three quarters of the school year preparing our buildings and facilities, purchasing protective equipment, and developing building procedures.

We are confident in the precautions our schools are taking to keep students and staff safe upon returning to school. We appreciate in advance your commitment and compliance to ensuring safe and healthy schools for our students.


DAILY HEALTH SCREENING: Daily health screening and symptom checks will be performed for all staff and students prior to entering the building. This includes temperature checks and questions about common COVID-19 symptoms.

TESTING: All in-person PBSA staff are required to test on a weekly basis. In addition, we are working with APS to make COVID-19 Surveillance Testing available to all students and staff. COVID-19 Surveillance Testing is a non-diagnostic test that detects the presence of COVID-19 even in individuals who may be asymptomatic. More information on this kind of testing will be shared separately. For locations where students, teachers, and staff can get tested for COVID-19, please visit atlantapublicschools.us/COVIDTesting.

MASK MANDATE: All staff and students will be required to wear a cloth or disposable mask whenever inside the buildings. This is mandatory at our schools (and all APS facilities) at all times except when eating or drinking. Masks must cover the nose AND mouth. PBSA is providing two reusable cloth masks for each staff member and three for each student.

HANDWASHING/SANITIZING: Washing and sanitizing hands is key to preventing the spread of germs. Staff and students are expected to follow the following steps in regard to hand washing safety:

  • Washing and sanitizing hands upon entering a classroom, with each school space having a hand sanitizer station
  • Washing hands after bathroom breaks and throughout the day as a preventative measure
  • Drying hands with paper towels
  • Washing or sanitizing hands before and after eating
  • Sanitizing hands before recess and after recess

PHYSICAL DISTANCING: To ensure that physical distancing is possible at all times, we are implementing the following protocols: staggered arrival/departure, building capacity will be kept below 60 percent, schedules tailored to avoid overcrowding in shared spaces (such as hallways, playgrounds, and restrooms), desks will be spaced 6’ apart, and lunch will be eaten in classrooms.

ADDITIONAL PPE: PBSA has purchased additional PPE and other supplies that can be made available to staff based on their role and need. Additionally, the following items are available in each classroom for teacher and student use:

  • Hand sanitizer station
  • Disinfectant spray bottle
  • Paper towels
  • Tissues
  • Face masks (limited for replacement)
  • Desk shields for each student desk