Letter from APS About Students Affected by Forest Cove Delays

Atlanta Public Schools (APS), Purpose Built Schools (PBSA), and our community partners are making sure every student affected by Forest Cove delays has a seat and the appropriate resources for a successful start to the school year on August 1.

July 22, 2022

A Look Back At 2021: Our Year In Review

The 2021-22 school year has been full of signs that our model is working. Even despite the setbacks of the pandemic, we are thrilled to celebrate the progress and achievements of our schools. Scholars have…

January 20, 2022

A Year of Silver Linings: What We Learned About Education During the Pandemic

An adage I heard once taught me that there are two types of people. One looks out at a barren, desolate terrain and feels despair and hopelessness. The other looks out at that same landscape and sees endless opportunities and possibilities. The former generally makes excuses about what “could have been,” and how they are cursed by bad luck, while the latter works to create a new reality.

May 26, 2021

Purpose Built Schools Atlanta and Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta launch first-of-its-kind partnership

Last fall, Purpose Built Schools Atlanta partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Metro Atlanta to provide a “learning pod” for approximately 70 students who were identified as having the potential to benefit from additional learning resources in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The club is serving as a distance-learning hub where students of all grade levels can come during the school day to do online classes.

February 1, 2021

For Project-Based Learning Unit, Price Students Create New Handbooks for School

Price Middle School students created new student handbooks for their first project-based learning (PBL) unit of the year. By examining local politics, the pandemic and social justice, students worked together to develop a set of shared school principles, policies and processes to help create a positive school culture–in person and online.

November 3, 2020

First-Ever Rugby Team Scores New Opportunities for Students

For the first time ever, rugby has come to south Atlanta. Purpose Built Schools Atlanta has partnered with Atlanta Youth Rugby (AYR) to create the first co-ed rugby team at Price Middle School and Slater Elementary School.

February 26, 2020